Hire a local photographer

©  Ingetje Tadros

Are you an NGO or a social impact driven company or organisation and can’t find the image you’re looking for in our image bank? We would love to connect you with one of our up-and-coming talents and experienced local photographers around the world. They can provide authentic images that are tailored to your needs.

Why hire a local talent to illustrate your project or cause? 

There are a lot of local photographers whose work is of international quality so why not benefit from their skills? Hiring them gives them the opportunity to make a living as a photographer.

The advantage of local photographers is that they can give unique insights into real life, they speak the local language, are not distorted by stereotypes and understand the political and cultural contexts of the region.

Diversity, inclusion and equity are important values, values every company and organization should embrace and integrate in their way of working. Hiring local photographers contributes to a more divers, inclusive and equal society. 

Moreover, local photographers are already on site so you can save long-distance travel costs and reduce your ecological footprint.

How it works

You tell us what you need and what is important to you. We'll suggest a local photographer that meets your brief. You can have a look at the photographer's portfolio and judge by yourself if his or her work is aligned with your organization's values. If it's a match, we would be happy to get you in touch with him/her.

For enquiries please contact: wilma@world-portraits.com

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