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20 - 25 years africa african african culture african female african lifestyle african person african woman africans alternative attire austere authentic backyard bare plain barren basic basket black people bold boma carry carrying cattle ceremonial ceremony characteristic citizen civilian civilization cloth clothing cloudy cloudy sky collective colour image community country cultural cultural heritage cultural inheritance culture daily daily activity day daytime defense developing country dirt domestic dress duty east afrika environment ethnic Ethnic Community ethnic group farmer farmers female food garden garment geographic grass green habit handmade heritage hold holding human humanity ideology indigious inhabitant inheritance issue kanga kenya kenyan culture kenyan female kenyan lifestyle kenyan person kenyan woman lifestyle living local loincloth low angle view Maasai maasai member massai meat member minority mouth closed nation native native person natural nature negro nomad one person open air Outdoor outdoors outside people plastic poor poverty primitive prosperity pure red ritual rituals Rural rural area rural district rural population scenery see semi-nomadic shuka simple life social social issue standard of living stare staring stroll third world country threatened tradition traditional traditional attire traditional lifestyle tribe tribe member tribespeople typical vertical village villager violence walk walking warrior wash tub wash-tub wealthy woman young woman

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